Many of our clients come to us because they have previously found the whole process of sourcing goods and products from overseas to be complex and stressful. Like with any part of running a business, having a good network of people to call upon is critical for a business to grow and flourish and that is where we come in.

As a retailer or wholesaler, you don’t want to be wasting time and money searching for the right products, liaising with a freight management company, working out how to get the items through clearance before talking to a delivery company to get the items into your store. Instead, it makes economical sense if you can outsource that whole process to one firm, namely Forward Express.

We will manage every step of the process for you but at the same time, help you stay in control of your costs and your business-critical timelines.

The process

  1. Tell us what it is you need – we have experts in many industries.
  2. Choose the products you require – we work with manufacturers from around the world.
  3. Order dispatched – we monitor the quality of the product at every stage of the journey.
  4. Customs taken care of – we help get your products through clearance.
  5. Delivered to you – we deliver the products directly to you.
  • Contact us and let us know what products you are interested in.
  • Complete the contact form, providing as much detail as possible.
  • Our friendly staff will get in contact with you to discuss your options.
  • We will provide advice and guidance on the best approach to take.
  • You get to ask any questions to help you make the right decisions.
  • Select from a wide range of products from some of the best overseas manufacturers.
  • If you are unsure, we will help to find a supplier or you can suggest your own.
  • The order form is completed and sent to the supplier.
  • Quality assurance guarantees are made during the manufacturing process and before shipment is dispatched.
  • Finished goods are inspected before shipment to ensure full compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract.
  • Cargo is regularly checked during transit to ensure the safety of your goods.
  • You will receive immediate notification once your goods are on their way.
  • You can track the progress of your goods through the detailed reports that we prepare.
  • Getting your goods and products through customs is all part of the service.
  • You’ll be notified of the likely custom charges at the start of the process.
  • Further quality control inspections carried out to ensure compliance with your original order.
  • You will receive confirmation once your order has passed through customs and it’s on its way to you.
  • Your order will be delivered directly to your preferred location.
  • An accurate delivery time will be supplied so you can plan accordingly.
  • If storage of your order is required before we deliver it to you, then that can be arranged.
  • The final payment is due once the order has been completed.
  • Final quality control check takes place upon delivery to ensure you’re happy with what has arrived.

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